According to Clarivate’s InCites Benchmark and AnalyticsInternational Relations, Dean Kosuke Shimizu’s research work ranked second in Japan!

#Education #Research
According to Clarivate’s InCites Benchmark & Analytics, an analytical platform evaluating research metrics for individuals and organizations, as of May 17, 2024, Dean Kosuke Shimizu ranks second in Japan for his research contributions in the field of international relations spanning the last six years, commencing from 2018. This assessment relies on the H-Index, a metric reflecting the global citation impact of research publications.
In recent years, Dean Shimizu has developed a novel theoretical framework within international relations, synthesizing principles from Buddhist Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with concepts from quantum physics. This ranking underscores the substantial global recognition garnered by his scholarly endeavours. It is noteworthy that the latest publications by Dean Shimizu are accessible free of charge through the provided links appended to this communication.
•    Kosuke Shimizu and Sei Noro (2024). Political Healing and Ma
[ オリジナルサイトで見る ]


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