Hello, can someone help me, the part where I plot task latency vs number of vehicles only shows when vehicle number equals 50, why? [クローズ済み]

%% Define the area boundaries for vehicles
xMin = 0;
xMax = 400;
yMin = 0;
yMax = 400;
%% Initialize vehicle locations matrix
%% Define a range of different numbers of vehicles
numVehiclesRange = 20:5:50; % Start from 20, increment by 5, up to 50
for configIndex = 1:length(numVehiclesRange)
numVehicles = numVehiclesRange(configIndex);
vehicleLocations = zeros(numVehicles, 3); % Each row represents [x, y] coordinates
% Generate initial random vehicle locations within the defined area
for i = 1:numVehicles
x = rand() * (xMax – xMin) + xMin;
y = rand() * (yMax – yMin) + yMin;
vehicleLocations(i, 🙂 = [x, y, 0];
%% UAVs location updating modelling under some constraints
areaLength = 400; % Length of the service area in meters
areaWidth = 400; % Width of the service area in meters
phi = 42.44; % UAV maximum elevation angle phi in degrees
zMin = 50; % Minimum height of UAVs in meters
zMax = 100; % Maximum height of UAVs in meters
LhMax = 49; % Minimum horizontal distance of
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Hello, can someone help me, the part where I plot task latency vs number of vehicles only shows when vehicle number equals 50, why? [クローズ済み]

%% Define the area boundaries for vehicles
xMin = 0;
xMax = 400;
yMin = 0;
yMax = 400;
%% Initialize vehicle locations matrix
%% Define a range of different numbers of vehicles
numVehiclesRange = 20:5:50; % Start from 20, increment by 5, up to 50
for configIndex = 1:length(numVehiclesRange)
numVehicles = numVehiclesRange(configIndex);
vehicleLocations = zeros(numVehicles, 3); % Each row represents [x, y] coordinates
% Generate initial random vehicle locations within the defined area
for i = 1:numVehicles
x = rand() * (xMax – xMin) + xMin;
y = rand() * (yMax – yMin) + yMin;
vehicleLocations(i, 🙂 = [x, y, 0];
%% UAVs location updating modelling under some constraints
areaLength = 400; % Length of the service area in meters
areaWidth = 400; % Width of the service area in meters
phi = 42.44; % UAV maximum elevation angle phi in degrees
zMin = 50; % Minimum height of UAVs in meters
zMax = 100; % Maximum height of UAVs in meters
LhMax = 49; % Minimum horizontal distance of
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